Lexellent achieves certification for gender equality Pdr125

After years of dedication and hard work to promote inclusive business practices and combat all forms of gender discrimination—and beyond—the law firm Lexellent is proud to announce that it has obtained the prestigious Pdr 125:2022 certification for workplace gender equality.

This significant milestone serves as tangible recognition of Lexellent’s commitment to the values of equity and inclusion, which have always guided the firm’s activities. “We have always believed it is our duty, as legal advisors, not only to suggest best practices to our clients but also to be a tangible example of what we stand for,” said Giulietta Bergamaschi, managing partner of the firm. “Achieving this certification is a moment of deep pride for us, but it is also a new starting point: our commitment to social sustainability and a more inclusive workplace is a continuous journey.”

The arrival of attorney Giulia Leardi at the firm marked another step toward a shared vision. A firm believer in the importance of leveraging labor law as a tool for sustainable development and strengthening the “S” in ESG strategies, Leardi found a natural alignment with Lexellent. “With Giulietta, there was immediate professional synergy,” Leardi said, “and together we realized that pursuing this certification was a necessary step to make our commitment even more concrete.”

Over the years, Lexellent has supported numerous companies in adopting policies that value diversity and promote gender equality, demonstrating that respect and inclusion not only enrich the social fabric but also contribute to healthier and more productive work environments.

With the achievement of Pdr 125:2022 certification, Lexellent reaffirms its position as a benchmark for those who believe that the law can be a tool for positive change. The firm reiterates its determination to continue building a future where equality is not just a goal but an established reality.

Giulietta Bergamaschi in the WWL Italy 2024 Guide

The official guide of Who’s Who Legal Italy 2024 has been published.

We are pleased to announce that our Managing Partner Giulietta Bergamaschi has been ranked for Labour Employment & Benefits.


Lexellent strengthens its Corporate Governance & Compliance team with the entry of Elena Casagrande

Lexellent continues its growth path with the entry of lawyer Elena Casagrande as Of Counsel. Casagrande will mainly collaborate with the Corporate Governance & Compliance Department of the firm, providing assistance to companies in contractual and corporate matters, extraordinary transactions, corporate compliance and intellectual property matters, both in extrajudicial and judicial settings.

Elena Casagrande boasts a distinguished career in international law firms, as well as having served as Head of Legal in a leading company in the publishing and audiovisual sectors. In this context, he also acted as a member of the Supervisory Board and regulatory compliance contact person.

This new entry, which shortly follows that of labour lawyers Leardi, Sartori and Ramella, marks a further step in Lexellent’s growth strategy, aimed at consolidating our position as a partner of reference on strategic issues for companies” commented Managing Partner Giulietta Bergamaschi.

Elena Casagrande’s vast experience, gained in different operating environments and in contact with professionals of various skills, makes her a valuable resource for our team. With her strategic vision and problem-solving approach, we are confident that she will contribute significantly to the continued development of our department and Lexellent” concluded Ugo Ettore Di Stefano, partner and head of the department.

New entries in Lexellent: labour lawyers Leardi, Sartori and Ramella join the firm

Lexellent grows with the entry of two new partners and an associate: they are Giulia Leardi, Marco Sartori and Chiara Maria Ramella, labour lawyers with more than ten years’ experience and a remarkable track record, gained in well-known firms in the sector.

Giulia Leardi, partner, has over 15 years of experience in labour law, industrial relations and trade union law. Specialised in gender equality issues and sustainable solutions related to social environment and governance (ESG), she will focus on promoting regulatory compliance and continuous improvement of labour practices.

Marco Sartori, partner, has considerable experience and specific expertise in labour law consulting on extraordinary transactions, with particular reference to business transfers and share deals.

Chiara Maria Ramella, associate, with a consolidated practice will continue to assist Italian and foreign companies in personnel management matters and, in particular, on the establishment, regulation and termination of subordinate and self-employed labour relations.

Giulietta Bergamaschi, managing partner of Lexellent, said: “We are delighted to have Giulia, Marco and Chiara Maria join our team. In addition to being excellent professionals, they share with us values, vision and client focus. With their entry, the firm further strengthens its ability to respond to all the needs of those who rely on Lexellent for any labour law matter“.

Handling trade secrets in personnel selection – A Renato D’Andrea’s article

On the website of ELLINT: Employment & Labor Lawyers International, there is an interesting article by Renato D’Andrea on the management and protection of a company’s trade secrets during personnel selection.

The article highlights the importance of complying with the relevant Italian regulations, in particular Article 623 of the Italian Criminal Code, which, in line with EU Directive 2016/943 on the protection of trade secrets, provides for the imprisonment of anyone who discloses or uses such secrets for profit.

To learn how to manage personnel selection and avoid any kind of interference with Article 623 of the Criminal Code, we invite you to read the full article at this link.

Giulietta Bergamaschi and Giorgio Scherini in “The Best Lawyers in Italy 2025” ranking

Best Lawyers has published the ranking ‘The Best Lawyers in Italy 2025‘.

Giulietta Bergamaschi and Giorgio Scherini were recognised in the categories: Labour and Employment Law, and in Labour and Employment Law and Litigation.


Lexellent and Giulietta Bergamaschi in Chambers & Partners’ Europe 2024 ranking, Employment.

We are delighted to announce that once again this year our firm and our Managing Partner Giulietta Bergamaschi have been confirmed in the Europe 2024 ranking of Chambers and Partners, Employment.

We thank our clients for the trust they place in us!

Welfare & HR Summit – Il Sole 24 Ore: Giulietta Bergamaschi sulla Certificazione della parità di genere. Il video

Durante la quarta edizione del Welfare & HR Summit, evento digitale de Il Sole 24 Ore dedicato alle novità nel mercato del lavoro, con focus sul futuro delle aziende e sul ruolo della direzione del personale, è intervenuta anche la nostra Managing Partner Giulietta Bergamaschi.

Giulietta ha discusso della Certificazione della parità di genere nelle aziende quale misura per ridurre il divario di genere in relazione alle opportunità di crescita, alla parità salariale a parità di mansioni, alle politiche di gestione delle differenze di genere e alla tutela della maternità.

Ha inoltre illustrato una recente survey promossa da Lexellent e rivolta alle imprese con l’obiettivo di testare il loro sentiment su tale nuovo istituto.

Giulietta Bergamaschi speaker at Welfare & HR Summit 2023

Scheduled for 23 February next, the fourth edition of the Welfare & HR Summit, the eagerly awaited digital event by Il Sole 24 Ore dedicated to innovations in the labour market, with a focus on the future of companies and the role of HR management.

The topics are numerous and urgent, Lexellent will be there, with a speech by Giulietta Bergamaschi on gender equality certification: the rules and benefits for companies and workers.
The event is free, don’t miss it!

“Women on Boards, l’Italia sorpassa l’Unione europea”, l’intervista a Giulietta Bergamaschi su ItaliaOggi

Sul numero odierno di ItaliaOggi un interessante approfondimento sulle ultime novità normative in tema di equilibrio di genere nelle emittenti quotate.

Lo scorso 7 dicembre è stata infatti pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’Unione Europa la direttiva n. 2022/2381 (c.d. “Women on Boards”), che obbliga tutti gli Stati membri a introdurre criteri di selezione trasparente per giungere, entro la fine di giugno 2026, all’obiettivo di attribuire alle donne il 40% dei posti di amministratore senza incarichi esecutivi e il 33% di tutti i posti di amministratore in società quotate.

Tra gli intervistati anche la nostra Giulietta Bergamaschi, che ha osservato come «(…) la nuova disciplina Ue ponga degli obiettivi oggi già raggiunti sulla scorta di previsioni vigenti nel nostro ordinamento». Infatti, la L. 120/2011 (c.d. “Golfo – Mosca”), per i rinnovi dei CC. dd. AA. delle emittenti quotate successivi al gennaio 2020, ha riservato al genere meno rappresentato la quota di 2/5, pari quindi al 40% dei componenti, tanto che già a partire dalla fine del 2021 nel nostro Paese si è raggiunto il massimo storico del 41% di presenza femminile negli organi di amministrazione.

Per leggere l’approfondimento completo:

Il focus è disponibile qui.

Draft of legislative decree about whistleblowing

On December 12th 2022, the Italian Government transmitted to the Chamber of Deputies the draft of legislative decree for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937, concerning the protection of individuals who report violations of EU law (so-called whistleblowers) and containing provisions about the protection of individuals who report violations of national regulatory provisions.

The text had been approved by the Council of Ministers on December 9th 2022 – one day before the deadline of 3 months after the implementation of the enabling Law no. 127 dated August 4th 2022 – and was promptly assigned to the competent parliamentary commissions (II – Justice, XI – Labour, V – Financial statement and Treasury and XIV – EU policies), which will have until January 19th 2023 to make their assessments.

Directive (EU) 2019/1937

The Directive, provides for the obligation to adopt internal reporting channels exist for the following entities:

  • all public entities, with an exemption for municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants and for public entities with fewer than 50 employees;
  • private entities with more than 50 employees, as well as those operating in determined and specific sectors, regardless of the number of employees.

Reports can be made through three different channels: internal, external andthrough public disclosure.

Italian legal system

In Italy, the phenomenon of whistleblowing was already contemplated and regulated, both for the public and private sectors, by Law 179/2017, which will therefore be superseded in case of approval of the decree.


The main innovations with respect to the provisions currently in force concern the private sector.

In fact, whereas for public employees the Italian legislation is mostly aligned with EU law, the protection of whistleblowers in the private sector is currently very limited, as it applies only to employees and collaborators of private entities that have adopted the organization model pursuant to legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 and only in relation to relevant offenses according to said decree.

The new regulation being examined by the Chamber instead concerns, in line with the provisions of the Directive, both all private entities with at least 50 employees and those operating in certain sectors and which adopt organization and management models pursuant to legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231, regardless of the number of their employees.


From an objective point of view, the new legislation would apply with regard to the following categories of offences:

  1. administrative, accounting, civil or criminal offenses, not included in numbers 3), 4), 5) and 6);
  2. significant illegal conduct pursuant to legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231, or violations of the organization and management models provided by such decree, which do not fall within numbers 3), 4), 5) and 6);
  3. offenses relating to public procurement; financial services, products and markets and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; product safety and compliance; transport safety; environmental Protection; radiation protection and nuclear safety; food and feed safety and animal health and welfare; public health; consumer protection; privacy and personal data protection and security of networks and information systems;
  4. acts or omissions affecting the financial interests of the EU;
  5. acts or omissions concerning the internal market of the EU;
  6. acts or behaviors which frustrate the object or purpose of the provisions of the EU measures in the areas indicated in numbers 3), 4) and 5).


As for the channels of reporting, consistently with the EU provisions, the following are provided:

  • internal channels;
  • external channels, through a report to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), or other relevant authority;
  • the possibility to make public disclosures.


In order to protect whistleblowers, the following protective measures are provided:

  • first, there is a prohibition of retaliation (art. 17), which can occur in the following cases:
  • dismissal, suspension or equivalent measures;
  • demotion or failure to promote;
  • change of functions or of the place of work, reduction of salary, change of working hours;
  • suspension of training or any restriction of access to the same;
  • negative merit notes or negative references;
  • adoption of disciplinary measures or other sanctions, including financial ones;
  • coercion, intimidation, harassment or ostracism;
  • discrimination or otherwise unfavorable treatment;
  • failure to convert a fixed-term employment contract into a temporary employment contract permanent, where the worker has a legitimate expectation of such conversion;
  • non-renewal or early termination of a fixed-term employment contract;
  • damage, including to the worker’s reputation, particularly on social media, or economic or financial prejudice, including loss of economic opportunities and loss of income;
  • improper listing based on a formal or informal sector or industry agreement, which may result in the person being unable to find employment in the sector or industry in the future;
  • early termination of the contract for the supply of goods or services;
  • termination of a license or permit;
  • the request for submission to psychiatric or medical tests.
  • Support measures are as well guaranteed to whistleblowers (art. 18), such as free information, assistance and advice about the methods of reporting and on the protection from retaliation offered by national and EU law, about the whistleblower’s rights, as well as about the methods and conditions of access to legal aid;
  • In order to ensure protection of the subjective legal situation triggered, measures (art. 19), even temporary ones, will be adopted in favor of whistleblowers, such as:
  • compensation for damages;
  • reintegration into employment
  • order to cease the conduct constituting retaliation
  • declaration of nullity of the acts adopted in execution of the conduct constituting retaliation.
  • Limitations of whistleblowers’ liability are also provided (art. 20), if the report leads to a violation of:
  • confidentiality obligation
  • copyright
  •  personal data protection
  • or to an offense to the reputation of the person involved or reported;
  • Finally, the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) is capable of imposing sanctions (art. 21) against the person responsible, such as:

A) Pecuniary Sanctions:

  • from € 5,000 up to € 30,000 in the event of retaliation, an attempt to hinder the reporting or breach of the obligation of confidentiality;
  • from € 10,000 up to € 50,000 in the event of failure to establish reporting channels, failure to adopt procedures for making and managing reports or failure to carry out verification and analysis activities on the reports received;

B) Disciplinary Sanctions


For the same purpose of protecting whistleblowers, there is an obligation of confidentiality (art. 12) regarding the whistleblowers’ identity, which cannot be revealed or divulged, without their express consent, to authorities other than those competent to receive or follow up on the report.

This obligation is already provided by art. 54 bis, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 165/2001. The main change, however, concerns the need for consent to be express, as required by the EU Directive.

In the event of disclosure of the whistleblowers’ identity, aprior written communication of the reasons for the disclosure of the confidential data must be given.

A protection equal to that granted to whistleblowers is also provided for the individuals involved and or mentioned in the report, including the reported person himself.

Finally, all those involved have the right to an effective remedy system, to an impartial judge, to the presumption of innocence and to a more general right of defense.

The press release from the Council of Ministers:

The directive regulates the protection of whistleblowers (or ‘segnalanti’ in the Italian translation of the text) within the Union, through minimum protection standards, aimed at standardizing national regulations, taking into account that those who report threats or prejudices to the public interest of which they have come to know in the course of their professional activities are exercising the right to freedom of expression. The purpose of the rules is to strengthen the principles of transparency and accountability and to prevent the commission of crimes.

The scope is limited to violations of Community legislation in the sectors expressly indicated (including: public procurement, financial services, product and transport safety, environment, food, public health, privacy, network and IT systems security, competition). The directive provides for protection for the whistleblower without differentiating between the public sector and the private sector.

In addition to the obligation of confidentiality regarding the identity of the whistleblower, the persons involved and the person reported, there is a prohibition of retaliation, with an example of retaliatory cases, and support measures in favor of the whistleblower, which consist of information, assistance and free advice on the rights of the person involved and on the methods and conditions of access to legal aid”. Finally, the Chairman of National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) G. Busia, stated as follows:

The protection of whistleblowers is a fundamental right, recognized internationally, and an extension of the right to freedom of expression. Preserving whistleblowers from retaliatory behavior is the imperative of the Authority: those who responsibly report any irregularities know they can find protection, without fearing retaliation from their superiors. Therefore, the strengthening of these powers of the Authority by the government is welcome, as well as the expansion of the scope of application, as requested by the European Union”.

At this link it is possible to download some overview slides

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Lexellent Summer Party 2022: the photo gallery of our first concert in attendance

On Monday, July 11, our first concert in attendance was held at the Fondazione Stelline.

The custom of greeting our clients and friends before a major break, such as the summer one, was born in 2020, in the wake of the pandemic emergency, when we were ingenious to find a way to make our closeness felt to the people we could not receive.

The resounding success has prompted us to make our concerts a recurring event in the way we present ourselves to the community.

If being sustainable also means having a social and cultural impact in one’s area of influence, we, who deal with labor law – going through health, safety, environment, social responsibility and organizational well-being -, think that acting responsibly means putting these elements into practice first.

Organizing this concert interprets our idea of sustainability, meaning attention to people and community well-being, with the awareness of our role in the local and global context.

Special thanks to Fondazione Stelline, I Pomeriggi Musicali and the string quartet composed of Maestros Aurora Bisanti and Gabriele Schiavi on violins, Francesca Turcato on viola and Fabio Fausone on cello.

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Lexellent and Giulietta Bergamaschi in Chambers Europe Guide 2023

Yesterday, 16 March 2023, the new Chambers Europe Guide 2023 by Chambers & Partners was published.

Once again this year, the prestigious international directory has included our Managing Partner Giulietta Bergamaschi and Lexellent among its outstanding professionals and law firms, respectively, for the Employment – Italy category.

According to Chambers, Giulietta Bergamaschi, among the outstanding professionals in Band 4, “She is always to the point and to the core of matters. She is direct, straightforward and always available.

Lexellent and Giulietta Bergamaschi ranked in Chambers Europe 2022

Again this year, the prestigious international directory Chambers & Partners confirms Lexellent’s position among the boutiques of excellence in employment law, including it in the Employment Italy ranking, Band 5.

Congratulations also to our managing partner Giulietta Bergamaschi, who has also been confirmed as one of the top lawyers in Band 4 with the following motivation:

Giulietta Bergamaschi provides assistance to clients with restructuring and reorganisation procedures, alongside advising on executive dismissals and health and safety matters. She additionally deals with trade union negotiations. One source says: “She is a smart lawyer, and I admire her strength in leading the firm.”

“The Impacts of the Introduction of the Green-Pass Obligation on the Workplace in Italy”, an article by Ugo Ettore Di Stefano on the International In-House Counsel Journal

On the International In-House Counsel Journal, an article by Ugo Ettore Di Stefano, Partner at Lexellent, and Andrea D’Agostino, Legal Counsel Europe at The Coca-Cola Company, about the consequences of the Green-Pass obligation on the workplace in Italy.


The EU Digital COVID Certificate (formerly called Digital Green Certificate) is a digital proof that a person has either (i) been vaccinated against COVID-19, (ii) received a negative test result or (iii) recovered from COVID-19. The scope of the EU Digital COVID Certificate is to facilitate safe free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic within the EU. The certificate can be used across all EU Member States as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Contacts are also ongoing to enable its use with Switzerland.

The full article is available here.

Concerto di Natale 2021 in diretta streaming: quartetto d’archi dei Pomeriggi Musicali

Lexellent è lieto di invitarvi al suo consueto Concerto di Natale in live streaming, che vedrà l’esibizione del Quartetto d’archi dell’Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali nei seguenti componimenti:
– Antonín Dvořák, Americano, Quartetto d’archi, op. 12 in F major. Op. 96
– Astor Piazzolla Chant et Fugue, Oblivion, Tango Ballet
– Silent night First Noelle Angels we have Heard on High

L’evento si terrà il 20 dicembre dalle ore 18:00.
Sarà possibile assistere alla performance direttamente da questa pagina!

Vi aspettiamo per un momento di buona musica insieme!

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Evento estivo in diretta streaming: quartetto d’archi dei Pomeriggi Musicali

Lexellent è lieto di invitarvi al suo Concerto d’Estate in live streaming, che vedrà l’esibizione del Quartetto d’archi dell’Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali, Continue reading “Evento estivo in diretta streaming: quartetto d’archi dei Pomeriggi Musicali”