Rassegna stampa

Novità in tema di sicurezza sul lavoro e DVR anche alla luce del rischio terrorismo: aspetti formali e sostanziali.

    La Camera di Commercio Britannica a Milano parla del prossimo corso dello studio dedicato alla Sicurezza sul Lavoro. Wednesday 17...



La Camera di Commercio Britannica a Milano parla del prossimo corso dello studio dedicato alla Sicurezza sul Lavoro.
Wednesday 17 February 2016 – from 9 to 13
Lexellent Via Borghetto, 3 Milan (MM1 Palestro/Porta Venezia)
Recent events around the globe, and in particular in Paris with the Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan Theater massacres, have caused great concern…not only at the level of the public – but also to employers as they come to terms with a new potential level risk to their workplaces and workforces.
What is an employer’s duty of care in these situations? What measures can be undertaken to minimize risks? How should emergency preparedness planning address the potential risks?
These are just some of the many questions which will be addressed at Lexellent’s seminar Health & Safety in the Workplace In Light of Potential Terrorist Threats which will be taking place on February 17th from 9am to 1pm
Speakers will include:
-Ing. Pierangelo Adinolfi | Forensic Engineer
-Prof. Francesco Bacchini | Università Bicocca and Of Counsel to Lexellent
-Prof. Genseric Cantournet | CSO – RAI and Permanent Member of the Board of Directors of ASIS Italy                
-Dott. Marco Wolf | Psychologist of Labour
Participation in this event, which will be held in Italian, is free.
Registration is required.
For more information LINK or contact: lexellent@lexellent.it