Elena Casagrande

Of Counsel

  • Law Degree from the University of Milan

She joined the Lexellent Law Firm in 2024 as Of Counsel.

She collaborates with Lexellent’s Privacy & Corporate Compliance Department, providing both judicial and extrajudicial assistance and advice to client companies, with a particular focus on corporate contracts, extraordinary operations, compliance procedures, and Intellectual Property matters.

She has gained significant experience first in international law firms and later as Head of Legal for a company operating nationally and internationally in the publishing and audiovisual sectors, where she also served as a member of the company’s Supervisory Body and as a compliance reference point for regulatory adaptation.

This career path, having offered her the opportunity to work in numerous operational areas alongside highly diverse professionals and competencies, has allowed her to adapt her working methods to different contexts and partners, fostering versatility, strategic vision, and an effective problem-solving approach.

  • Law Degree from the University of Milan